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About Me

I’ve always been into music. I studied the piano for 8 years in my young years, and later I learned playing the guitar myself.

I moved to Strasbourg in 2008. At that time, I got a job in a remote monitoring company, but at the same time I dove into producing music with my computer.

I tried several things: producing, mixing, sound designing, field recording... But at some point, I thought it would be interesting to create virtual instruments myself. And I felt that it was something I could be good at.

I kept my current job but only part time, and began to learn how to create, script and design Kontakt instruments.

I started creating Kontakt instruments in 2018, but I moved from Kontakt in the end of 2021, primarily because offering Kontakt instruments was a bit restrictive: not all my potential customers were Kontakt owners.

Since then, I’m using HISE framework is based on Juce and offer now audio plugins (VST3 / AU / AAX).


Summary of my work
Le Skank effects rack details
Global view of Le Skank user interface

Le Skank

Released in 2020

Le Skank is a Reggae Guitar Chord Player. It was the first instrument to be released.

I was a big fan of Dub music when I began makin music on my computer, and I never found this kind of instrument at that time.

I then decided to create it.

SolidSub & Si-007

Released in 2020

Le Skank is a Reggae Guitar Chord Player. It was the first instrument to be released.

I was a big fan of Dub music when I began makin music on my computer, and I never found this kind of instrument at that time.

I then decided to create it.

BassTone Instrument interface display


Released in 2021

This one was an attempt at creating another sampled instrument.

It’s a bass guitar, with a ‘hidden’ sub synth engine. It was designed to give deep bass sounds to the users.

My goal was to reduce the available controls to the minimum, and simplify the UI.

Heritage Organ

Released in 2022

With this instrument, I wanted something new. 

It’s a completely synthetic organ, which aim to simplify the sound design process of organ sounds.

Since my audience is mainly composed by Reggae & Dub producers, and often asked for simpler instruments, I felt that was an interesting instrument to build.

Global view of Heritage Organ user interface
Multi-band splitter Dub SPL-4 interface

Dub SPL-4

Released in 2022

Another freebie. This one is a simple 4-Bands audio splitter. The GUI was also rendered in 3D.

Udu Drum

To be released

This one is still a prototype. There’re two available themes for this multi-panels interface.

BassTone X interface

BassTone X

Upcoming Release

Soon to be released, this one is the second version of my enhanced bass instrument.

Featuring a sampled bass guitar along with a custom-build synth-engine to produce deep bass sounds.

3D work

Among other things, I'm trying to improve my skills in 3D modeeling and rendering.
These are my latest renders for BassTone X.


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